Somewhere on the color wheel between yellow and orange lives the perfect sunset shade. Dubbed marigold or mustard by design pros and paint experts, this warm color conjures up memories of groovy ’70s interiors. But the sunny shade is trending once again, and this time it’s anything but retro.
Today’s mustard paint colors and home accessories provide warmth with a jolt of modern sophistication and energy, especial;;y when paired with silver, gray and charcoal tones. The color is very decadent, a stylish alternative to gold. Its popularity in recent years can be attributed to a return to color in general. People love the color ochre because it’s so warm and inviting; opulent but not pretentious. It’s really a grounding color, even though when you first look at it it feels bright. While it’s a wonderful color to use all year round, it feels especially au courant during fall.